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Recent Publications:


Leon, S.C., Hodgkinson, N., Osborne, J., Lutz, N.M., & Hindt, L.A. (2023). Barriers to the involvement of extended family and fictive kin in the lives of children in foster care. Journal of Public Child Welfare,


Leon, S.C., Lutz, N., Hindt, L.A., Huguenel, B.M., & Osborne, J. (2022). Implicit self-esteem  moderates the association between explicit self-esteem and externalizing behaviors. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-11.

Hindt, L.A., & Leon, S.C. (2022). Ecological disruptions and well-being among children in foster care. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92(1), 39-50.


Osborne, J., Hindt, L.A., Lutz, N., Hodgkinson, N., & Leon, S.C. (2021).  Placement stabilityamong children in kinship and non-kinship foster care placements across multiple placements. Children and Youth Services Review, 126, issue c.


Huguenel, BM., Leon, S.C., Hindt, L.A., Lutz, N., & Osborne, J. (2021). Profiles of maltreatment in the child welfare system: Predicting mental health outcomes and examining age as a moderator. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 34 (4), 721-732.    


Hindt, L.A., Leon, S.C., & Lurigio, A.J. (2020). Visits with fathers involved in the criminal justice

system and behavioral outcomes among children in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review, 118(c).


Leon, S.C., Dickson, D.A. (2019). The impact of kinship networks on foster care children’s  outcomes. Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science, 68, 169- 184. 


Hindt, L.A., Jhe Bai, G., Huguenel, B.M., Fuller, A.K., & Leon, S.C. (2019).  Impact of Emergency shelter utilization and kinship involvement on behavioral outcomes. Child Maltreatment, 24, 76-85. 


Hindt, L. A., Jhe Bai, G., Huguenel, B. M., Fuller, A. K., & Leon, S. C. (2018). Impact of emergency shelter utilization and kinship involvement on children's behavioral outcomes. Child Maltreatment. pdf


Leon, S. C. & Dickson, D. A. (2018). The impact of kinship networks on foster care children's outcomes. Family Relations. pdf


Blakely, G.L., Leon, S.C., Jhe Bai, G., & Fuller, A.K.  (2017).  Foster care children's kinship involvement and behavioral risks: A longitudinal study.  Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26, 2450-2462. pdf 


Jhe Bai, G., Leon, S.C., Garbarino, J., & Fuller, A.K. (2016).  The protective effect of kinship involvement on the adjustment of youth in foster care.  Child Maltreatment, 21, 288-297. pdf


Leon, S.C., Jhe Bai, G., Fuller, A.K., & Busching, M. (2016).  Emergency shelter care in child welfare: Who goes to the shelter?  How long do they stay? American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 86, 49-60. pdf


Leon, S.C., Jhe Bai, G., & Fuller, A.K. (2016).  Father involvement in child welfare:  Associations with changes in externalizing behavior. Child Abuse and Neglect, 55, 73-80. pdf


Leon, S.C., Saucedo, D.J., & Jachymiak, K. (2016). Keeping it in the family: The impact of a Family Finding intervention on placement, permanency, and well-being outcomes. Children and Youth Services Review, 70, 163-170. pdf


Sieracki, J.H, Fuller, A.K., Leon, S.C., Bai, G.J., & Bryant, F. (2015). The role of race, socioeconomic status, and System of Care services in placement decision-making. Children and Youth Services Review, 50, 3-11. pdf


Stoner, A.M., Leon, S.C. & Fuller, A.F. (2015).  Predictors of reduction in symptoms of depression for foster care youth. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24, 784-797. pdf

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